Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Just like Mommy!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
To swim or not to swim
Monday, June 25, 2007
Beach Fun - the final chapter!
This is my favorite shot of the kids!

Beach Fun part 4

One day, the boys went to Nascar Speed Park. The weather did not cooperate, so they ended up playing video games. Later in the week, Les and Jonathon went back to use their tickets. Les took pictures with his phone, but I have yet to figure out how to retrieve them, so you'll just have to trust me when I say they had fun :)
I have the cutest kids to ever walk the beach!!!
I said earlier that Ella loved the sharks at the aquarium, here's proof. She could have spent a very long time in the tunnel just looking. The cool thing is I have a picture of Jonathon doing this exact thing with Les at almost the same age. It is hard to believe that he is almost 10.
All loaded up and ready to go home! If you look close, you can see the way back is packed as high as Grace's head :)
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Beach Fun part 3

Beach Fun part 2

One day after nap, we went to a park a few blocks from the house. We rode the bikes, which can be an adventure in itself. The kids really enjoyed the playground, but I think there favorite thing was when Les convinced them to walk across the retaining wall that went about halfway around the playground. We would turn our heads, and Ella and Josh would be up there - those two have no fear! In the shot above, Ella, Ben and Josh are taking turns to go down the slide. In the shot below, Ella and Lizzie are climbing up to the slide. I don't think Ella knows she isn't supposed to be able to do everything the older kids can do!
We went to play mini golf one day after naps. This was fun. I got a hole in one, but Les did not!!! Ella liked to hit the ball. Grace always said she got 4 no matter how many times she hit the ball. The course was cool. It was based on pirates and they had a cool effect that made it seem like canon balls were being shot and landing in the water. The first time it happened, I think all the kids jumped :) Two holes were in a cave. The only drawback was that it was really hot! The shot above is the Gale family. Josh was very funny. On one hole Ella hit the ball in the rocks, and he ran and got it and brought it back to her to hit again. It was sweet! The shot below is our family. Jonathon and Grace always tried to hurry to the next hole. I think we called them back a million times! Luckily no one was in front of us.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Beach Fun part 1

This was on our first day at the beach. Don't I have a beautiful family? The kids loved the beach almost as much as me and Les :) Ella loved to go out in the waves, Grace and Jonathon did too. By the end of the week, Jonathon was using the boogie board on the big waves!
It was a toss up between the waves and the sand as Ella's favorite. Here she decided to combine them. One time, Cindy and I were out body surfing (sounds cool, doesn't it! really, we were just getting dunked by wave after wave, but it was sooo much fun!) when I looked back at the shore, and here came Ella! She was coming to play with Mom!
Grace and Lizzie taught themselves to boogie board - with a little assistance from us patents! They got really good and as the week went on, very brave! On Sunday, they were in the very shallow waves, but by Saturday, they were out in the waves that came up to their belly buttons! Good job, surfer girls!
Everyday, you could tell what time it was by Ella. Almost like clockwork, she was ready to go between 11:45 and noon. Here she is all wrapped up and ready to go back to the house for lunch and nap. We went to the beach everyday from 10 -12. Needless to say, Josh and Ella usually took really good naps!
I'll post more after the kids go to bed! Now that vacation is over, real life has returned!
Monday, June 18, 2007
We are here!!!!
Our first day at the beach was so much fun. Most of the kids loved the water (Josh wanted no part of it, but really enjoyed the sand). Jonathon is trying to escape a wave in this shot. Ella did great, and I think Grace may be part fish! Her and Lizzie had fun putting sand on their legs and letting the waves wash it off.
Here's the whole crew. As you can tell we take over everywhere we go!!
You could win a prize if you can guess what or who is floating in the water :)
Saturday, June 16, 2007
1 more thing . .
Beachbound and hammer down!!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Out of the frying pan...
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Vacation, VBS, and various things

I see you Grace!!
"I wanna see!" Ella thinks every time you pick up the camera, there is a picture for her to see!
This is my squad. You can't see everyone, but we do take up 4 rows.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Math- Mommy style

Did I say 6?

Only 4 days until vacation and I can't wait! The last real family vacation we took was when Grace was 6 months old! She is now 5 years and 3 months. That is too long for anyone, especially a stay at home mom (Yeah, right, like I stay at home- more like stay in the van mom!) that seems to collect children on a daily basis. We are going to Myrtle Beach with the Gales. 4 adults, 6 kids and a dog are loading up- Myrtle Beach here we come!
VBS was great again last night! Somehow I keep ending up on stage acting silly! I know you are completely shocked by that. We had 320 the first night and 350 last night. I had 45 in my squad, but the 4th grade won the prize for biggest squad - they had 51!! God has been awesome in providing workers for all these kids. He also has worked the weather amazingly. Yesterday, we had rain from late morning till right before we left for VBS. Not a drop fell from the sky until we were pulling out of the parking lot. YEAH GOD!!! I can't wait to see what He has in store for us tonight!Monday, June 11, 2007
Kids, kids and more kids!

Tomorrow, the number will also be 6, but the kids will be different! Never a dull moment!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Having Fun with the Kids

Grace laid on the floor for me to take her picture and Jonathon jumped beside her to get in the shot and this is the result.
I guess what they say is true, 2 heads are definitely better than one :)
Did I mention that I am raising a future football player? Hey, Jonathon, show us your muscles!! As you can see, Grace couldn't stand not being in the shot.