Friday, August 31, 2007
Stupid people, once again!!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Orange - the final chapter for 07
The family comedian!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
2nd day of school
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
First day of school - part 2

First day of school!!!

Outside the school, ready to go in and start the first day. Don't they look like two great students?
This picture makes me sad. I can't believe my baby girl is "walking on her own". Sorry. I am feeling a little sappy today.
It seems like just yesterday Grace was Ella's age! Here she is, ready to go in class!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Orange lives on . . .

Here's a shot of me in action. Don't you love the socks! This is a 630 game because I am wearing a visor, not my orange do-rag! My theory is if I wear enough orange, it will distract the batter. Not sure it works, but anything is worth a try!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Bedtime Blues

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Beauty Queen

We are in sooooo much trouble in a few years!!!

Women pay good money for highlights like these!
I have the most beautiful child, on the inside and out!
The Great Outdoors

Ella loves the "band box"! She will take the top off by herself if no one will help her!
The sand box is now a boat. Row, row, row your boat, Grace!

Monday, August 13, 2007
Bathing Beauties!
I removed the pictures off this post because of searches that make me uncomfortable.
The girls usually take a bath together - it save time and my knees! The other night, they were both in a good mood, so out came the camera!
"Hi, Gracie! Don't you just love taking a bath? Don't we have the best mom in the world!" (she really could be saying that! :)
"Do I get to put the bubbles in my hair, Mom?"
Bath time is the best!!!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Our Last Game
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Bandanna Day

Ella- if only she would look at the camera!

Can you tell who is the "diva" in the group? Everybody looks too cute !
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Orange update
4 jobs I have had:
1. Director of childcare center
2. Receptionist at home building office (this lasted 1 week! much better with kids!)
3. Wife of Les and mother of Jonathon, Grace and Ella(trust me, this is a FULL time job!)
4. In home preschool operator -aka teacher, owner, nurse, etc. :)
4 places I have lived:
1. Seneca, SC
2. Elgin, SC
3. Fountain Inn, SC
4. Fort Mill, SC
Favorite TV Shows:
1. Lost
2. CSI (any of them)
3. most of HGTV's line up!!
4. The Cosby Show
Favorite Foods:
1. Any type of pasta
2. Cheesecake
3. Oreo cookie blast from Sonic
4. Chips Ahoy cookies
5. Cheeseburgers!
Places I'd rather be:
1. Lying on the beach with a good book
2. In SuperTarget without kids and without a spending limit with a buddy!
3. Hanging out on the deck with my family (we don't have a deck, yet, so this is a friendly reminder to my hubby :)
4. At my grandparents house listening to really cool stories about when they were growing up!
Favorite Movies:
1. A Knights Tale
2. Mr. & Mrs. Smith
3. High School Musical
4. Pearl Harbor
5. Father of the Bride 1 and 2
People I tag to do this:
Anyone who wants! It is kinda of fun to stop and think about these things!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Saturday, Les and Jonathon went to Fan Fair at Panther stadium with our friends Chris and Bradley Bott. They had a blast! They got to hang out, see a practice, get their face painted (Jonathon and Bradley, not Chris and Les), and get autographs. Jonathon is now a die hard Panther fan! While the boys were sweating to death in the heat, Grace, Ella and I hit the mall with the other half of the Botts-Laura, Emily and Julianne. It was tax free weekend! I racked up at Gap Kids, getting 8 articles of clothing for only $55. I was very proud of myself! The kids were very good and both the babies fell asleep in the stroller- at least for about 15 minutes!
Over the last couple of weeks, Cindy and I have been exercising in the mornings. We do a walk/run course in our neighborhood. Right now, we do more walking than running, but we are getting there! The other day, I drove it in the van to see how far we go - it is 2.5 miles!!! I know you must be impressed!! I don't get to go every morning because Les goes to the gym, but Cindy goes and gets more running done when I am not there :)
School starts in a little over 2 weeks and I can't believe Grace is going to kindergarten! Now I know what my mom was talking about when she said, 'you blink and they are grown'. It is bittersweet. I am so proud of the big girl she is, but I miss her being little. For example, this morning at church, she came to the door of my SS class (I teach 3rd grade) and said she had lost her earring. Doesn't it seem like she is too young to lose an earring? (We never did find it!)
Ella is growing by leaps and bounds! She can talk so well. Tonight she picked up the phone and had a conversation with no one. She said 'allo Grandy. What you doing? Bye, love you' It was too sweet! (Mom, you can wipe that tear off you cheek now :) She is so independent and set in her ways! Things have to be with who they belong to. One day Les was using my cell phone because he couldn't find his -big surprise :), and she had a fit! Mommy's hello! she screamed until he gave it back. She also has a certain order to do things. Each night, she has to pick which blanket goes on her first. (It really doesn't matter because they are exactly the same!) I wouldn't want her to be any other way!! One day those strong will qualities will come in handy!
In the last week, I have rearranged my bedroom (looks great, a lot more room!) and hung curtains downstairs. Do you think someone is watching too much HGTV? Probably, but whats a girl to do !!