Saturday, August 30, 2008
A slight problem
I think we may have a problem if baby #4 turns out to be a boy. Ella is absolutely convinced that it is a girl. So much so that she doesn't even call it a baby anymore, but calls it Sarah. The other day she walked up to me and said, "when Sarah comes out of your tummy. . ." and today we went shopping at The Children' Place and she went directly to the baby girl section and picked out a pair of pink striped pants and pink shirt and brought them to me and said, "our baby needs these!" She wanted no part of my explanation that our baby may be a boy. It took me 5 minutes to convince her to put them back! No I am starting to think that we may need to find out so we have time to prepare Ella if she is having a brother. What do you think? Should I find out and make the transition smooth, or just wait and let her deal with it in January?
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Thankful Thursday

1. My husband- he is amazing!
2. Swiss Rolls
3. cereal in the AM
4. Ella's laughter
5. tomorrow is payday
6. softball tonight- if the rain holds off
7. the house is kinda clean
8. Jonathon- he really is a good kid!
9. Grace- she is so herself
10. Ella- she always knows when Mommy needs a hug.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Busy beyond belief!!
We have been so busy lately! In the last 3 days we have been going non-stop! Here's a little recap:
Friday- we left at 8:30pm for a quick trip home for Les' moms birthday party (2 & 1/2 hours in the van) We stayed with my parents and no one went to bed before 12:30!
Saturday- Everyone up by 8 (I did not sleep well, I had a head cold and got hot during the night- not a good combination!) We all got ready and left for lunch at my brother's house at 10:30. Before lunch Les and my brother took Jonathon to the football field to work on tackling (Uncle J is the football expert in the family, and he said Jonathon had "what it takes!). We ate lunch, and the kids wrestled in the floor until we left to go visit my grandparents. We hung out with my grandparents for a little while ( the kids played with the puppy that my papa was trying to send home with us, picked apples and peaches off the fruit trees and I tried to take a nap in the swing- didn't happen). We left there and went to the surprise birthday party. It was really nice. Les' mom did not know we were coming so it brought her to tears to see us. The party was at a state park, so the kids had fun exploring and throwing rocks in the creek. Les took them for a walk over the swinging bridge (this was coincidentally the exact same time we were cleaning up) and they found 2 snakes. They were small and on rocks in the water. Close enough for me! We left the party and went to drop off the bunk beds that had been riding on top of our van since Friday night at Les' sister's house. Then we were on our way home; we arrived a little after 11. Whew!
Sunday- Sunday morning was church (I am a very big part of the children's SS program called Uptown and I have to be at church at 8:40am). After church, we came home and rested before returning to church Sunday night for a marriage class (I really enjoyed it!) Then it was home for showers and bed!
Monday- Up at 6:30 to get everyone off to school and work. Ella and I left the house at 7:35 to run errands before I had a meeting at church for MMO. We stayed there until a little after 12 preparing for tonight's Open House. We came home, ate lunch, did some laundry and dishes, and left at 2:25 to pick up kids at school. I hate the pick up line!! We came home, ate snack and started homework. G and V got picked up (two children I was watching and the reason we were in the car line) and we got ready for the evening's sports. Grace had soccer at 530 (we had a shin guard issue; she could only find 1! Thankfully we were able to borrow some from a friend who lives on the way to practice). I helped with her practice, did devotions and assisted with another practice at 630 and did devotions for that group also. Jonathon had practice at 630 at a different location (of course!), so Les picked up Jonathon and Ella and headed to football, but he took my van which had my clothes in it for my 730 softball game! Grace and I raced from the soccer field to football practice. I gave Grace to Les and changed clothes in the van. I arrived 15 minutes late (not too bad considering) and got to play most of the game. I played well! I hit a grand slam, a double and a single. The game was played the entire time in the rain! We won and are supposed to play tonight, but it has been raining hard all day, so I doubt we will play, which is good because I am so sore I can barely walk!
Told you we have been busy! I won't even start on the rest of the week! :)
Friday- we left at 8:30pm for a quick trip home for Les' moms birthday party (2 & 1/2 hours in the van) We stayed with my parents and no one went to bed before 12:30!
Saturday- Everyone up by 8 (I did not sleep well, I had a head cold and got hot during the night- not a good combination!) We all got ready and left for lunch at my brother's house at 10:30. Before lunch Les and my brother took Jonathon to the football field to work on tackling (Uncle J is the football expert in the family, and he said Jonathon had "what it takes!). We ate lunch, and the kids wrestled in the floor until we left to go visit my grandparents. We hung out with my grandparents for a little while ( the kids played with the puppy that my papa was trying to send home with us, picked apples and peaches off the fruit trees and I tried to take a nap in the swing- didn't happen). We left there and went to the surprise birthday party. It was really nice. Les' mom did not know we were coming so it brought her to tears to see us. The party was at a state park, so the kids had fun exploring and throwing rocks in the creek. Les took them for a walk over the swinging bridge (this was coincidentally the exact same time we were cleaning up) and they found 2 snakes. They were small and on rocks in the water. Close enough for me! We left the party and went to drop off the bunk beds that had been riding on top of our van since Friday night at Les' sister's house. Then we were on our way home; we arrived a little after 11. Whew!
Sunday- Sunday morning was church (I am a very big part of the children's SS program called Uptown and I have to be at church at 8:40am). After church, we came home and rested before returning to church Sunday night for a marriage class (I really enjoyed it!) Then it was home for showers and bed!
Monday- Up at 6:30 to get everyone off to school and work. Ella and I left the house at 7:35 to run errands before I had a meeting at church for MMO. We stayed there until a little after 12 preparing for tonight's Open House. We came home, ate lunch, did some laundry and dishes, and left at 2:25 to pick up kids at school. I hate the pick up line!! We came home, ate snack and started homework. G and V got picked up (two children I was watching and the reason we were in the car line) and we got ready for the evening's sports. Grace had soccer at 530 (we had a shin guard issue; she could only find 1! Thankfully we were able to borrow some from a friend who lives on the way to practice). I helped with her practice, did devotions and assisted with another practice at 630 and did devotions for that group also. Jonathon had practice at 630 at a different location (of course!), so Les picked up Jonathon and Ella and headed to football, but he took my van which had my clothes in it for my 730 softball game! Grace and I raced from the soccer field to football practice. I gave Grace to Les and changed clothes in the van. I arrived 15 minutes late (not too bad considering) and got to play most of the game. I played well! I hit a grand slam, a double and a single. The game was played the entire time in the rain! We won and are supposed to play tonight, but it has been raining hard all day, so I doubt we will play, which is good because I am so sore I can barely walk!
Told you we have been busy! I won't even start on the rest of the week! :)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Thankful Thursday

1. kids who love going to school
2. Jonathon loves football.
3. we like both of their teachers
4. 6 game winning streak for the Orange
5. dinner with friends last night
6. Victory Soccer starts Monday
7. Uptown was a huge success
8. meeting the bus with Ella- she is so funny!
9. my 1st grader
10. my 5th grader*
*just for the record, I am NOT old enough to have a 5th grader! :)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
First Day

Watch out world, here they come!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Football is for big boys!

Back to school
Tomorrow is the first day of school. Part of me is excited and part of me is sad. As much as I enjoy seeing them go (I so need a break), I will miss them. I love all of my children so much. I will miss Jonathon's help and his excitement over the simplest things (like the hummingbirds at the kitchen window). I will miss Grace and how she just enjoys being a girl (changing clothes 4 times a day, dancing around the living room and singing at the top of her voice). Maybe I am just sappy because I am pregnant. Maybe I am just a mom. Maybe I am just coming to terms with the fact that my children are growing up. I'm gonna stop now, because I feel the tears and I need to save those for tomorrow.
Monday, August 18, 2008
A little something
We have movement! For the last few nights, after I lie down in the bed, I can feel little movements! This is the earliest, but the most welcome! I have been so anxious this time around and it is nice to have a little reassurance now and again!
Friday, August 15, 2008
A really cool story!
Like most everyone else in the world, we have been glued to the television watching the Olympics, especially Michael Phelps. He seemed a little stand offish to me until I came across this story that changed my opinion. Read it for yourself!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Yesterday I had a true craving- you know the kind where you HAVE to have it or you will go insane. I wanted chips and salsa from Chili's. The funny thing is what triggered it. Ella was watching Oswald on Noggin. If you have never seen this show, the rest of this will probably make no sense, but read on anyway. Back to the show, they were planning a birthday party for Katrina, the baby butterfly (who is actually a caterpillar) and Egbert and Leo (who are actually eggs!) said they would bring the chips and dip and that was all it took! I think that is probably the saddest thing I have ever read! Oh well, its my life right now!
Thankful Thursday

1. my wonderful husband (who will get up at 3am to help when our Ella has an accident even though I didn't ask very nicely)
2. God made it possible for Moms to function on hardly any sleep
3. Jonathon is feeling better
4. Less than one week until school starts
5. a clean playroom
6. chips and salsa from Chili's
7. rain
8. finding old friends on Facebook
9. I can sleep in tomorrow
10. Uptown starts Sunday- did I mention I get a microphone?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
It makes me laugh. . .
that people are still hesitant to ask me if I am pregnant. Last night at Les' softball game, someone said, "Now, did you tell me you were pregnant?" I just laughed and asked her if she would like me to stand up. I was wearing what I have on in "the belly" picture.

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Lately we have been giving the kids more chores, trying to teach responsibility. Things like making their beds, clearing the table, and emptying the dishwasher. I don't think it is working, do you?

This is Jonathon's version of putting the dishes away. Notice the glass in the bowls. Well, at least he is trying!
Thankful Thursday

1. ways to earn extra money for the family
2. Uptown starts a week from Sunday
3. school starts in 13 days
4. almost no nausea anymore
5. generous friends
6. the pool on hot days
7. Ella asking everyday if the baby is still in my tummy and remembering that it is coming in January
8. Grace loving being a girl
9. Jonathon has football evaluations Saturday- he is so excited!
10. Les understanding that pregnant wives just need to cry sometimes
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
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