I have been totally blown away by how God has provided everything we need and even some things we just want for our new baby! He has provided us with a dresser, crib, bassinet, pack & play, swing, bouncy seat, bedding, clothes, stroller and car seat- all at no cost to us!! Then my dear friend Laura hosted me a baby shower where I was overwhelmed by every one's generosity. Every time I look at everything we have for the baby, I am amazed! I am a simple person who loves to help others, so it almost makes me uncomfortable to be taken care of. We have been provided with more support than we could ever repay. We have amazing friends. From just listening to me whine on the phone to bringing us supper to just being there, we are so thankful. God has provided more blessings in our life than we could ever deserve. He knows exactly what we need when we need it, and He knew that we needed these people to get us through a very trying second half of this pregnancy. I haven't admitted this to many people, but for a long time, I regretted getting pregnant because of the financial strain it has put on us. I saw this pregnancy as a burden instead of a blessing. We are still trying to dig completely out of that hole, but thankfully, there is light at the end of the tunnel. God is good, even in the hard times. He took feelings I was struggling with and used a complication to show me how much of a blessing each of my children are and how He planned them even if I didn't. As I am approaching the end of what will more than likely be my last pregnancy, I am eagerly awaiting the moment I get to hold this baby in my arms. The same baby that months ago I was unsure about. I am so thankful that God knows better than I do, because I could only imagine the blessings I would miss out on if I was in charge of the path my life should take.