For as far back as I can remember, I have always wanted to be a mom. I played mom with my dolls. I even stuffed pillows under my shirt to pretend I was pregnant! Silly, I know! I can remember going to parties or picnics and spending my time watching out for and playing with the little kids.
When Les and I got married, I wanted children right away. Unfortunately, that wasn't God's plan for us. He knew we would be moving around a lot those first few years and so He waited to give us Jonathon. I can still remember my hands shaking when I picked up that pregnancy test and saw those two lines. I was so excited! I can honestly say I felt the exact way every time! With each kiddo came more challenge, but so much more joy! I loved being pregnant and I loved having a newborn and I love being a mom. I am not say that it is easy, but it is something that I have wanted forever and am amazed that I have been blessed with four wonderful children.
Jonathon is so sweet. He is big but gentle and is a wonderful big brother.
Grace is a girly-girl. She loves dressing up! She is so loving- hugs and kisses all the time.
Ella is just a mess (in a good way!) She is trouble on feet. Very headstrong, but so funny! She makes me laugh everyday and all she wants is to spend time with you.
Matthew is adorable. Curls and cheeks and chubby thighs- I could just squeeze him! He is so easy going and just wants to be included.
I couldn't ask for better children- maybe a little neater, but no better! I love you four and am so thankful that I can celebrate Mother's Day because of you!