Thursday, June 14, 2007

Vacation, VBS, and various things

In 2 days we leave for a week at the beach. As you can guess, we are all excited. I am also overwhelmed! This week has been VBS at church and it has been crazy! Last night we had 373 kids!!!! Wow! God is awesome!! The flip side of that is the energy required to lead 50 kindergartners doesn't leave any energy to prepare for vacation - which is only 2 days away. I am one of those people who makes a packing list. When we first got married, my husband thought this was weird, but after many trips where the kids and I have everything we need and he has no undies, he has changed his mind ( I refuse to pack for my husband - he is too picky about what to take). I don't even know where to start, because I have never been anywhere on vacation for 7 days. I think part of my problem is too much on my plate. I need to go to town, to get things I need for vacation (vacation is an excuse for new clothes, right?), but I have not left myself any time this week (extra kids, vbs, Ella nap time). What was I thinking??????? I could go to town tomorrow, but I need to get the oil changed in the van. I give up. Wal-mart is open 24 hours, right? I guess I'll find out if you have to wait in line at 1am. Sorry for all the whining, it is easier to grip to you than to Les, he's been working mega OT this week because of a project at work that will not go away!! Maybe that is part of my craziness, I feel like I am doing all this alone. Not his fault!!! He is a wonderful provider and it makes him crazy to miss so much time with me and the kids. He also did not get to help with vbs which really bothers him. God will honor him and his dedication to commitments he made and kept. Les, you are the best!!

Here's a few pictures for Grandy- I know that's the only reason you check the blog :)

Jonathon in his favorite spot - on the beanbag, in front of the PS2!!

I see you Grace!!

"I wanna see!" Ella thinks every time you pick up the camera, there is a picture for her to see!

This is my squad. You can't see everyone, but we do take up 4 rows.



Can I come on vacation with you? I have never liked the beach, but now that I'm nowhere near the beach, I want to go. How does that work? My bright white legs are a constant reminder, probably! Have fun and sneak in some Days of Our Lives while you're there...that's where I'm headed now!

Jen Whisonant

Yes, I must say the beach is very appealing now that Grandma's free condo is very far from GA! have some beach fun for the other jen w and me - and at least, you're not really alone, i think my pillow is tired of cuddling with me at night! tmi??? i hate we're missing VBS, too, Chris was gonna help with Greg Dodson's rec. squad again...oh well - God does has a plan in my family up and going to GA.